My Daddy, puppy, and I just minutes before I left the airport! All packed up and ready to go saying our goodbyes. |
So I am currently sitting on the plane, typing out this post on my iPhone. We are all accounted for, successfully made it through security, and are all seated as we anxiously wait for the plane to start slowly backing away from the gate. Besides a minor issue with Alex forgetting her passport at home in her copy machine, I would say airport experience #1 has been a breeze. But it's a whole different ballgame once we have to go through customs in LA! Yeesh; not so thrilled about that! This will be the last time I will be posting something in the states, so from now on we are finally getting to the exciting part! I have true blood season 1 and five different independent films waiting for me to attend to and an ambien if those don't fulfill my entertainment needs, so I think I'm set! Plane is about to take off, phone's going off, ergo this post is ending.
Loving and already missing you all! Next time you hear from me, I'll be an official kiwi!
Until then loves.
Brittany, Carson, Alex, and I all in our sleeping gear provided by Quantas Airlines. We were ready to do some heavy sleepin from LA to Auckland! Too bad the crying baby sitting behind us had other plans. |
Michael, Brianna, Kelsey, Sarah, and Kevin all excited for the long plane ride ahead! |
patiently waiting over here for the real traveling posts to again. actually, not so patiently! can't wait to hear from ya! xo safe travels